Eleven Dirty Little LinkedIn Secrets
Every now and then something comes along that just grabs you. When Marc Freedman started promoting this teleseminar I just had to register.
Now, I don't know just what those 11 Dirty Little LinkedIn Secrets are going to be, and maybe I already know them, but I'm guessing it'll be an amusing call at least. And it's only $15 US...got to be worth it.
For those who don't know, Marc's probably one of the most controversial characters on LinkedIn (see my post "How (Not) to Get Banned from LinkedIn" ) so this should be fun...as long as LinkedIn don't stop it ;-)
Marc's running the teleseminar on Fri July 7 1pm CT.
Technorati Tags - Online Networking, LinkedIn
Now, I don't know just what those 11 Dirty Little LinkedIn Secrets are going to be, and maybe I already know them, but I'm guessing it'll be an amusing call at least. And it's only $15 US...got to be worth it.
For those who don't know, Marc's probably one of the most controversial characters on LinkedIn (see my post "How (Not) to Get Banned from LinkedIn" ) so this should be fun...as long as LinkedIn don't stop it ;-)
Marc's running the teleseminar on Fri July 7 1pm CT.
Technorati Tags - Online Networking, LinkedIn
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